So, your product is in high demand, your business model is an impressive production and delivery system for said product, your business processes and the workforce they guide are the envy of your competitors, and it’s all managed by people whose leadership record and potential are stellar. How do you build on that? Simple. With an eye toward keeping the arc of success curving up, you oversee smart investments of time and resources in your most valuable intangible asset, people. One proven approach to getting tangible results from investing in your people: Learn how to motivate employees with positive reinforcement.
The codification, so to speak, of positive reinforcement dates to the early 20th century and the rise of the behaviorist school of psychology that yielded B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning. The linchpin of that principle is reinforcement, positive and negative. Respond with a reward or reinforcement when someone performs a given action, and they will repeat it. Conversely, behavior that is not reinforced is less likely to be repeated.
The answer to why you should use positive reinforcement can be found in:
The number of motivators is limited only by imagination, but Psychology 101 defines only four types of reinforcement:
Positive reinforcement. Something beneficial is used (added) to produce a desired behavior. Give a child a treat for doing a chore.
Negative reinforcement. Remove a negative stimulant or circumstance to produce a desired behavior. A hungry baby’s crying motivates parents to feed it. The crying stops.
Punishment. Negative consequences are used to alter behavior. A child is given a time out for misbehaving.
Extinction. This is when something is taken away to alter behavior. A child habitually screams for candy when in a store and gets the candy. The adult decides not to reward the behavior and begins ignoring the screams. No candy eventually equals no screaming.
To understand a motivator, you have to consider its genesis. There are two categories, intrinsic (from within, driven by satisfaction/pride) and extrinsic (external drivers such as bonuses and kudos). Positive reinforcement primarily employs extrinsic drivers.
In 1959, psychologist Frederick Herzberg published Motivation to Work, a book that presents his theory on employee motivation. It cites two driving factors:
Motivators: These are workplace factors that include recognition, personal/professional growth, achievements, the work, responsibility.
Hygiene: These are workplace factors that largely are environmental and include security, policies, salary/compensation, conditions, supervisors.
An online Psychology Today article cites a 2014 “TINYpulse Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture Report” that explores employee motivation. The survey behind the report involved 500-plus organizations and more than 200,000 workers.
The magazine article focuses on responses to one question: “What motivates you to excel and go the extra mile at your organization?” There were 10 possible answers. Here they are, with percentages that reflect respondents’ choices. has a lengthy article titled “Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace (90+ Examples & Reward Ideas)” that opens with this sentence: “What are the best ways to motivate employees and increase productivity?” The article considers answers ranging from promoting and enhancing positive feedback and communication to perks such as employee discounts.
The article includes these data points:
The article also offers its own version of CliffsNotes, closing with a summary of “take-aways” that we further summarize here:
There are a lot of elements to juggle in the positive reinforcement process, including:
The basic tools of employee motivation run the gamut from education/training, perks, monetary compensation, benefits such as pensions and insurance, and simple praise to actual tools such as TINYpulse (an employee feedback tool), Kudos (an employee recognition system), and gamification.
Gamification, according to Bunchball, which offers related software, uses a game-playing approach on digital platforms “to drive meaningful behaviors and improve performance across all types of workforces, whether in-house or distributed, hourly or professional.” For example, your team might play a game wherein accrued points can be used to purchase rewards.
Beyond motivation strategies such as hiring motivated people and setting clear and achievable goals, two foundational but intangible elements of success here are communication and transformational leadership. We’re talking two-way communication, clearly delivering and patiently receiving a message – up, down, and across the food chain.
As for transformational leadership, Verywell Mind online says, “Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well.”
Diversity is a workplace boon, but it poses challenges, too. In the Middle East, for example, the thumbs-up gesture is offensive. So, cultural awareness is a must, particularly for managers who want to avoid praise that unexpectedly punishes.
Also consider that:
A headline on an online Entrepreneur magazine story delivers the bottom-line answer on why positive reinforcement should be the employer’s motivator of choice: “It’s Science, Baby! Proving the Power of Positive Reinforcement at Work.”
And how should you use positive reinforcement to motivate employees? First, understand how it works, then:
Create and sustain a positive atmosphere through a transformational management mindset and employee-centric decisions on hygiene, from compensation to ergonomics. Then:
At workday’s end, it’s about leading with the head and the heart. As first lady Eleanor Roosevelt said, “To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.”
Need to work on your leadership skills? The Office of Corporate Training and Professional Education can help. Embedded in a range of programs such as hospitality leadership and human resource management are courses that go granular, including motivation-related classes such as Compensation Design and Administration.