
What Is Phishing and How Can You Protect Yourself?

Ever receive an email from a company that sets your internal warning system on high alert? Maybe the sender’s email address is irregular, or they’re threatening to cancel your account, or the email is riddled with spelling errors. Those alarm bells aren’t paranoia – chances are, you’ve been targeted in a phishing attack, one of today’s most common cybercrimes. Keep reading to learn how to protect yourself from phishing.

Benefits of Microsoft Certifications

If you’re in the technology field, Microsoft certifications are an omnipresent part of the professional landscape. Some employers swear by them. Others, not so much. At the end of the day, are they worth it? The short answer is: Yes. In spite of the love-hate relationship, there are many benefits of Microsoft certifications for both employees and employers.

8 Study Tips to Pass the Microsoft Certification Exam

Think that using Microsoft applications from sunup to sundown means passing your certification exam is a sure thing? Even if you work on Microsoft platforms on a daily, professional basis, it would be almost impossible for you to know every function, every task the test will cover. That’s why it’s important to take test-prep seriously and use these 8 study tips to pass the Microsoft certification exam.

Cyber Security Basics for Remote Workers

You already know that your new work-from-home life demands a new skill set: Managing Zoom meetings, staying productive even when the cat crawls onto your lap, and hiding your office snacks from your toddler. But did you know that cybersecurity skills are key to WFH success? Now that you are working remotely, your company’s data is vulnerable in new ways, and it’s crucial that you know how to protect it. Luckily, you don’t have to be tech gods like Lisbeth Salander or Mr. Robot to know how to defend against cyber threats. By changing a few simple habits, you can master these cybersecurity basics for remote workers. 

Cybersecurity Tips Essential for Remote Workers During the Pandemic

Jack Nilles’ Twitter account identifies him as “a former ‘rocket scientist’ spacecraft designer turned applied futurist, father of telecommuting and author….” The book that helped earn him the “father of telecommuting” title is “Telecommunications-Transportation Tradeoff: Options for Tomorrow,” published in 1976. Nilles long has held that one of the primary hurdles to working remotely is security. With COVID-19 exponentially increasing telecommuting, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know this is a good time to explore cybersecurity tips essential for remote workers during the pandemic.