Professional Development

Trades and Apprenticeships as Proven Career Pathways

In my last few blog entries I’ve offered some perspectives regarding routes into the workforce in hopes of sustaining a long, successful career. Access through a four-year college degree and certificate-based programming have already been explored. As a society, though, it’s rather important we understand there are multiple avenues to professional achievement. The notion that traditional higher education is the only way to fulfillment is untrue. I’ll finish up the series by presenting a case for trades and their corresponding apprenticeship models.

Tips for Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can be nerve-wracking. Those first few days can feel like a blur, from adjusting to your new responsibilities to remembering everyone’s names.


Here’s are new job tips for every step of the process to make sure you’re set up for success when embarking on a new position.

How to Prepare for a Video Interview

Video interviews have become a standard part of the hiring process for remote and in-office businesses alike.


If putting your best foot forward on camera makes you nervous, you’re not alone! To ensure you’re poised for success, here’s everything you need to know about preparing for a video interview.

The Value of Higher Education for Career Growth

In the not-so-distant past, college was seen as an unassailable path to landing a good job – a golden ticket to higher salaries, future promotions, and a middle- to upper-class lifestyle. However, an increasing number of Americans are calling into question the value of higher education at all levels. Is it worth the cost? Does it guarantee job offers? Will career growth stall without it?


There isn’t one surefire way to climb the career ladder successfully, and serious issues including stagnant wages, high costs, and student loan debt are fueling the national reckoning with college. But the evidence is clear: Higher education and continuing education still provide an excellent return on investment for most students.

Career Path: Getting Ahead of the Curve with Lifelong Affinity Education

In my last blog entry, I conveyed my vision for a lifelong affinity education model—one where institutes of higher learning serve as local hubs, offering a range of programming to engage populations at virtually every phase of the life cycle. At the University of South Florida, there is already infrastructure toward this end—even as there is unlimited potential for future development. In the Information Age, such a concept is a benefit to society. We want you to find something compelling here—whether your age is five or 85.


9 Ways to Reframe Negative Thinking into a Positive Outlook

If your doomscrolling habit or a challenging work life has you on negative autopilot, it’s time to shift your default mode back to the bright side. How do you switch from gloom to glory? Simple: practice. Ready to do a fun and easy run-through of nine ways to reframe negative thinking into a positive outlook? Let’s chase that spot of sunshine!


How Can You Improve Employee Retention During the Great Resignation?

Call it the Big Quit, the Worker Reshuffle, or the Great Reset, we are in the middle of a seismic change in the workforce that’s giving employers ample reasons to be anxious. More than 4 million Americans quit their jobs every month in the last half of 2021, a record-setting walkout rate, with additional waves of massive voluntary turnover expected for the months to come. If you’re an employer, the question is clear: How can you improve employee retention during the Great Resignation?

How to Finance Your Master's Degree or Continuing Education

Don’t assume grad school or continuing education is out of reach for your budget. Paying for your post-grad or professional courses can be a challenge, but it’s completely doable. Put a little research, creative problem solving, and our easy tips into the task, and you’ll figure out how to finance your master’s degree or continuing education.